Chiropractic Care for TMJ

TMJ Pain Can Be Treated By Chiropractors

TMJ is an acronym for a condition called temporomandibular joint syndrome. This chronic condition can result in headaches and jaw pain, but it typically responds well to chiropractic adjustment. Untreated, TMJ can cause other problems and make chewing difficult.

What is TMJ?

TMJ occurs when the connecting joint between the skull and the jaw is out of alignment. It can occur on either or both sides. Once the joint is out of alignment, the soft tissues become inflamed and painful. Movements such as chewing or talking can make the condition worse. Although it is usually the jaw that hurts, pain may also occur in the head or neck as well.


While an injury can sometimes knock the jaw out of alignment, malocclusion of the teeth is a more common cause. Because the teeth don’t meet evenly, your bite is uneven. If you clench or grind your teeth (bruxism), that can also cause or contribute to TMJ. If the trigeminal nerve, which controls sensation and movement in the side of the face, is dysfunctional, it can also cause TMJ symptoms.


People with TMJ can have different symptoms. Some only have one, while others have multiple symptoms. These can include:
  • Limited ability to open the mouth.
  • Difficulty in chewing.
  • Pain, either with chewing or in a fashion similar to a toothache.
  • Popping, cracking or grinding noises when chewing.
  • Noises in the ears, such as ringing, popping, hissing or buzzing.

Treating TMJ with Chiropractic

When TMJ is caused by a misalignment in the jaw or spinal bones of the neck, the chiropractor can adjust the joints by hand or with an instrument. Massage helps loosen the muscles and decrease spasms. Exercise targeted specifically at the source of the problem can help keep the jaw moving freely. Applications of heat and cold can help relieve inflammation. TMJ need not interfere with your daily activities. An assessment and treatment can correct the problem and relieve your pain. Please contact us today.
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