Colic and Chiropractic Treatment

Baby Receiving Chiropractic CareIf you have a colicky baby, and other forms of treatment don't seem to be helping very much, you may want to investigate taking your baby to a chiropractor. As your child is being born, the neck and back vertebrae can go out of alignment due to the stretching and compressing of the body as it emerges into the world. If your delivery included a prolonged pushing stage, forceps or vacuum extraction, or other form of assisted delivery, the chances of a misalignment are great. If the misalignments, called vertebral subluxations, are big enough, the functioning of major systems in the body can be compromised. The digestive system can be affected and ineffective digestion of breastmilk and formula can cause major discomfort in your baby, leading to colic episodes. Continue To Full Article  
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