Eating Healthy During The Holidays

The holidays are upon us and with them, time with family, friends, We've all been there. We've indulged to the point of guilt and physical discomfort. This holiday season, resolve to do things differently. Yes, you can. And you'll feel better for it.
Plan Ahead
If you know that you will be attending an eating fest later on in the day, then healthy food or snacks before you attend the event. It will be much easier for you to say no to unhealthy foods if you are not ravenous. If you have been asked to bring something, go ahead and take something healthy that you also will like.
Treat Yourself
Good food is one of the many things that make the holidays fun. That is why there is no need for you to deprive yourself of the foods that you love. However, balance and moderation is the key to enjoying great food without gaining weight or feeling bad about what you've consumed. Choose healthy portion sizes, slow down, enjoy the conversation and savor the whole experience.
There are many benefits that you can reap by staying active during the holiday season. You will be able to maintain your weight, and you will be able to keep your stress levels down. If you do not have time to go to the gym, then you can take a walk with your family. You'll benefit on so many levels.
Keep Your Stress Level Down
The holidays are a lot of fun, but they can also be stressful. Take some time to wind down every day in order to keep your stress level under control. See the big picture. What is it that truly matters? The cleanliness of the house or the love inside? Dr. Shane Silver at Silver Chiropractic and Wellness wishes you health, love, and balance in the holiday season
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