Relationship of Spine and Organs

spinal-columnThe spine is our support beam, and because of it we are able to perform our daily activities. Each vertebra has a specific task, and all of them together protect the central nervous system (made up of the brain, nerves and spinal chord). In this article, we are going to talk about the truly interesting relationship between your spine and organs. Keep reading!

The spine and its important purpose

The brain is in charge of sending impulses (or orders) through the spinal column and spinal nerves so that each cell in the body knows what to do. This is how vital functions are maintained. The spinal column is in charge of protecting this communication system between the mind and organs. That’s why, any time one of your vertebrae becomes displaced, no matter how small it is, it ends up pinching a nerve and thereby blocks the messages from arriving at their destination. And that is how the body’s general functioning depends on the spine.

Vertebrae and their relation to emotions and disease

Back pain is so common that it no longer surprises us.  It could be caused by sitting in front of a computer for hours, sleep wrong, or lifting heavy objects. Did you know that muscle spasms are also related to feelings and emotions? Excessive strain on the back is also related to emotions. Every part of your spine corresponds to an organ, an emotion and pain.

The cervical spine

This area is located between the skull and the shoulders, and is made up of 7 vertebrae (when written, they are expressed with the letter “C”, for cervical, and a number, to identify which one it is). The cervical spine reflects the body’s energetic system. It is the opening to life and communication.   Read Full Article
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