Watch Your Back When Out Playing Sports!

Injuries during sports are an expected side affect of having fun and extending the body's physical limitations. Whether an extreme sport involving mountains and daredevil moves, playing with a ball against another team or even something seemingly mild like bowling or playing billiards, back injuries can happen at any time to any sportsman. What makes a back injury more involved than an injury to a limb or the other areas is the entire body revolves around good spine and back muscle health. Everything from turning the head to moving the ankle can be felt in the back. And when it's injured the whole body can feel restricted. Sports-related back injury and pain can from a sudden trauma or repeated stress and exertion to the back muscles and vertebrae. A weight lifter may not break or rip anything with a lift but repeatedly lifting weights can lead to localized back pain. Bicyclists may have an accident and slam on their lower back or shoulders and have immediate back injury. The biker's constant pumping and riding position, however, can also lead to back pain. Of course, football, basketball and baseball players are all subjected to plays that can traumatize the back, sometimes seriously enough to lead to paralyzing injuries. Those same players, though, must also be careful not to repeatedly strain the back muscles leading to debilitating pain through stress and over exertion. Running and jogging usually results in health issues with the legs and cardiopulmonary system (heart and lungs), but the simple act of running repeatedly leads to slight impact pressure on the back. Every time a runner picks up and puts down a foot, the impact with road is transmitted through hips and into the back, particular the lumbar (lower) back muscles and spine. Although there is no way to prevent back injuries, there are precautions sportsmen of all types can avoid serious injury. First, always warm up the back (and the entire body) before going headstrong into playing or pursuing the sport. Perform stretches and bends to work the back muscles and loosen up tight ligaments and bone connections. Work the back muscles just like arms and legs to increase muscle mass and reduce the chance of muscle strain. Finally, do not hesitate to wear a back brace when playing sports. A tight elastic wrap around the lower back can support and improve back muscle performance.
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