What Happens When You Have Nerve Damage?

Nerves are important to most bodily functions that normally occur in humans. From breathing to controlling muscle movement, the nerves are involved in controlling activity. The nerves are responsible for communicating with the brain about the body's important functions. The nerves are very sensitive to damage. When the nerves are damaged, certain signals sent to the brain are altered. This causes interference and impacts how the body functions. When the nerves cease to function properly, the senses and movement are impacted. Sensory, motor and autonomic nerves affect different functions. The sensory nerves affect touch. The motor nerves control movement. Autonomic nerves control the blood pressure, the heartbeat and other involuntary functions. Since certain functions are controlled by nerves, the type of nerve damage determines how the person is affected. There are three main types of nerve injuries that people experience in nerve damage. One type of nerve damage is only temporary in nature. This occurs with bruising and the functions are stopped for a short period of time. The nerve fibers can be affected while the outer layer is not affected. When the nerve is completely divided, the person may require medical intervention to have it repaired. Symptoms of nerve damage include loss of feeling, abnormal sweating activity and muscle weakness. People may begin to notice thinning in their fingers, muscle deterioration, and fewer skin creases where joints are formed. Nerve damage refers to the condition of the fibers. Some nerve fibers can naturally heal themselves while others may require surgery to be fully repaired. Some nerves heal themselves improperly connecting incorrectly and this could lead to problems with functioning. When the nerve ends aren't connected, neuroma occurs and the person experiences a flurry of sensations when triggered by knocking or tapping. The nerve is considered fully healed if they successfully grow back. In older people, recovery from nerve damage is more complex. This is because younger people have nervous systems that are more adaptive than those of older people. Nerves can be damaged by occupational injuries like carpel tunnel syndrome. Nerve damage is also a result of any injury that occurred as a result of being crushed. Chronic conditions such as HIV or diabetes can increase a person's risks for nerve damage. Physicians can access and evaluate the extent of nerve damage in patients through a battery of tests and identify the best course of treatment.
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