What to Expect at the First Chiropractic Consultation

First Chiropractic VisitGood chiropractors do everything in their power to help relieve their patient's symptoms as fast as possible - with as few treatments as necessary - and also give advice on how to avoid future episodes of back pain or sciatica. Because this profession has an unusually large variety of practice philosophies and chiropractic techniques, individuals should feel comfortable asking all the questions necessary to understand the chiropractic examination, diagnosis, and treatment program. This article explains what patients can expect during the first chiropractic consultation. This initial consultation involves the chiropractor completing a thorough chiropractic exam lasting 45 minutes or more.

First Chiropractic Visit

Some people conduct an initial interview with the chiropractor either over the phone or in person that is focused on discussion (e.g. about the chiropractor's philosophy, expertise and general approach, and the patient's preferences) and does not include a clinical exam. The following describes the initial in office clinical exam, which generally includes 3 areas. Read more here

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